Friday, November 27, 2009

Factors behind the increase in eating disorders

Do you think there are too many magazines holding up an ideal and unattainable image of the body?

There are many pro anorexia websites out there, espousing anorexia and bulimia as a 'lifestyle choice'. Read this article to learn more (no links to pro-eating disorder websites included)

Is the Fashion Industry setting a bad example with size zero models?,,4785154,00.html

1 comment:

  1. I think both the fashion world and magazines are in some way responsible for holding up an ideal and unattainable body image. The fashion world celebrates size 0 models such as Kate Moss and they class models such as Gisele "curvy". If she's curvy, then most girls are obese. Magazines constantly display articles about how to get the perfect body and ridicule women who they deem to be "overweight". If I had children, I really wouldn't want them to buy magazines because they just send out the wrong message. I realised it is becoming a huge problem when I was in a newsagents recently. Standing beside me was a father with his 5/6 year old daughter and his daughther shouted "Daddy Look! Cheryl is so lovely and skinny isn't she?" as she pointed at the cover of a magazine. I couldn't believe my ears. Is it right that a 5 year old is concerned with image? Such a great topic Declan. Well done on the blog, it looks great!


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