Friday, November 27, 2009

Social networking sites used to promote anorexia

Facebook and other social networking sites are being used as a means of communication and support by those who are caught in the grip of these disorders and who don't want to stop.


  1. I have heard and seen a few of these sites that promote anorexia and I think they should be illegal. It's disgraceful that there are sites out there that promote such self harm which can ultimately result in death. I know it may seem a bit extreme but I think that it's almost murder. They know that girls/boys may end up dying but they don't care. There should be some group that censor and ban sites like these.

  2. It is really frightening to know that these websites exist and that they encourage people who are already in a vunerable situation regarding their body image. This is where we can see how powerful the internet has become.
    The website is great Declan, really looking forward to the presentation.

  3. Totally agree with Caroline and Aisling here, this kind of online activity is just scary. Have heard anecdotal reports of people encouraging each other to starve themselves/become bullimic, etc online and it scares the daylights out of me! Your blog is totally top-notch Declan, I think it would be worth promoting widely as you have such a lot of useful information and 'real-life' examples.


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